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Petitions, Surveys & Electioneering

The St. Charles City-County Library District allows the circulation of petitions and conducting of surveys outside of its facilities as long as these activities do not interfere with the conduct of business or impede the free access of the public to Library buildings and resources. Specifically, individuals or organizations gathering petition signatures or conducting surveys may stand on the Library's sidewalks adjacent to its buildings as long as they maintain a distance of at least 25 feet away from any entrance and/or exit and do not block pedestrian traffic.

Neither petitioners nor survey takers may set up tables, chairs and other furniture or personal items or otherwise impede ingress or egress out of the Library, interfere with patrons seeking to use the Library, or otherwise disrupt Library patrons or activities. Petitioners and survey takers are not guaranteed the use of an area protected from sun, heat, or inclement weather. Petitioners and survey takers may not confront patrons in the parking lot or follow patrons to or from their vehicles. Petitioners and survey takers may not obstruct a patron, intimidate a patron into signing a petition, or harass a patron after he or she informs the person gathering signatures or conducting surveys that he or she is not interested.

Signs promoting petitions or surveys may not be placed on Library property and petitioners must in no way affiliate themselves with the Library, either through written publicity, signage, or verbal statements. Petitioners and survey takers are required to register at the Library's Service Desk prior to gathering signatures or conducting surveys. Nothing in this policy regulates the use of sidewalks that are on the perimeter of Library property and indistinguishable from adjacent municipal or other public sidewalks.

Petitioning and conducting surveys inside Library buildings is prohibited. Petitioners and survey takers refusing to comply with this policy will be asked to leave Library property.

Electioneering, including the distribution of election literature and the posting of signs on buildings or grounds rented or owned by the St. Charles City-County Library District, is permitted only on election days; however, any such activity is prohibited within 25 feet of polling places. (Missouri State Statute (RSMo § 115.637(18)). Noncompliance may result in a conviction for a class four election offense punishable by fine and/or imprisonment.

(Revised, 4/10/16, 5/10/16, 2/13/18)

All Library Branches Closed

All Library branches are closed today, February 18 due to inclement weather.