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Interlibrary Loan

St. Charles City-County Library participates in an interlibrary loan network which allows libraries to supplement their collections by borrowing materials from and loaning materials to other library systems. Each library participating in the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) program develops
guidelines governing the use of its own ILL system. The Library’s policies, outlined below, are governed by the National Interlibrary Loan Code.

Borrowers will be responsible for any charges made by the lending library for ILL items,including copying fees.

Materials published in the last year may not be eligible for ILL. Customers may suggest new titles for purchase.

ILL requests for genealogical materials may include books, photocopies, and microfilm. Photocopies of specific pages from non-circulating books may be requested as well as microfilm not available in the Library.

The Library accepts requests for the material types it circulates (e.g. DVDs, video games, audio books, etc.).


Not all patron types may be eligible for ILL services.

  • Students of local educational institutions must use the resources of their respective institutions for educational ILL services.
  • Reciprocal cardholders must use their own public libraries for ILL services.

The Library will provide ILL services for non-resident cardholders.

Cardholders must be at least 18 years of age to use interlibrary loan services.

The Library may enact limits on the number of ILL requests.

The Library will not accept subject requests; specific titles must be requested.

ILL due dates are specific for each transaction and restrictions are determined by the lending library.

Materials may be renewed depending on the loan rules of the lending library.

Daily and maximum fines for overdue items are set in Policy #c128.

ILL privileges may be suspended if the borrower fails to pick up a requested item, returns an item late, or loses an item. Repeated abuses may result in permanent denial of ILL services.

Failure to return a borrowed ILL item will result in a processing charge plus the cost of the item as determined by the lender.

Items overdue in excess of 60 days will constitute failure to return. Service Restrictions, Policy #c064, will be in effect for failure to return items on time.

LENDING The Library will lend materials to other libraries under the same conditions and terms as those libraries will lend to us.

The Library will charge reciprocal fees based on the lending policies of the borrowing library, including lending fees and fees charged to replace lost items.

At the discretion of the Library, some individual items may not be loaned.

Effective March 19, 2024

All Library Branches Closed

All Library branches are closed today, February 18 due to inclement weather.