The St. Charles City-County Library District will accept gifts of either materials or financial endowments. Financial endowment gifts may be made either directly to an individual library branch or to the St. Charles City-County Library District. Financial gifts which are intended for the purchase of specific items, subject areas or are in other ways designated should be negotiated through the appropriate branch manager or other upper level library administration personnel following the established procedural outline.
Gifts of specific items such as books, audio-visual materials, periodicals and other materials shall be accepted by the St. Charles City-County Library District. These materials shall be subject to the same procedural consideration that is utilized when considering an item for purchase. Specific donations shall be considered with the explicit understanding that such factors as physical condition of the material, duplication of material, lack of community interest, processing costs or inadequate space may prevent the addition or permanent retention of an item in the collection. The St. Charles City-County Library District accepts material donations with the understanding that any material that the library cannot use may be discarded following accepted practices and established procedures.
While it is generally not the practice of the St. Charles City-County Library District to accept any material with externally imposed conditions, the library does recognize that certain instances may arise which might warrant the inclusion of materials with some negotiated conditions. Any such conditions must be negotiated with the appropriate administrative staff of the Library as outlined in the written collection management procedures of the St. Charles City-County Library District.
The St. Charles City-County Library District accepts the Association of College and Research Libraries’ "Statement on Appraisal of Gifts" (approved 1973) as a policy basis concerning appraisals. The district is also governed by all applicable federal and state legislation related to appraisal and title of gifts.
(Revised 11/10/86)